Friday, February 16, 2018

National Tragedy Without Social Media

Wednesday afternoon I was driving from work to a performance that I was in.  I hadn't been on facebook all day (obviously) and didn't really have a chance to poke around the internet.  My ex called to speak to our daughter and while I was on the phone with him he said " How do you feel about what happened today?".  I was clueless.  Had absolutely no idea that there had been an incredibly deadly school shooting.  Beyond that - I work in a high school.  Not a single student or teacher brought it up during the day.  I found that fascinating.  Maybe they were in the same bubble as me - or maybe people really are saving their thoughts for the internet and social media.  The following day, after work, my boyfriend said that he was glad that I was not on social media right now since all of the sudden everyone was an expert on school safety.

So, when I caught a glimpse of the news at the Thai food takeout place I was actually able to process it and feel the emotions surrounding such an awful event.  I wasn't bombarded with it all day long like I would have been if I had been on facebook.  I've been able to read news articles and have discussions in person with my colleagues about it.

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